Utilizing OptiStruct provided the opportunity to attain ideal designs with significant weight reductions, leading to a lower cost for amprove’s customers.

Through the use of manufacturing simulation software such as Altair Inspire Cast and Altair Inspire Print 3D, amprove has been able to provide more polished solutions for their customers. During this process, the Altair team was pivotal in helping them join the Altair start-up program.

Learn how to prepare, simulate, and export an aerodynamic bracket design for 3D printing. Learn how to prepare, orient, slice, export, and analyze a part for 3D printing. Having used Altair OptiStruct™ previously, they decided to reach out to Altair to pursue a potential partnership. Learn how to prepare, analyze, and export parts for 3D printing. In order to reach their goals, amprove needed an optimization solver they could rely on to provide accurate results. As a result, amprove generates optimized parts, which enable them to meet the performance and economic needs of customers. Startup company amprove employs a series of cutting-edge simulation techniques to develop high-performance parts tailored towards a variety of manufacturing methods including, but not limited to, additive manufacturing and casting.